COVID-19 Back to Campus Planning: Health Promotion Preparations in Diverse University Settings

July 22 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm EDT

COVID-19 Back to Campus Planning: Health Promotion Preparations in Diverse University Settings

Health promotion faculty on a fast-track to help their colleges and universities prepare for the fall 2020 semester amid COVID-19.

Preparations, policies, and communications concerning student testing for the virus, quarantine of confirmed cases, dormitory and foodservice operations,
and collaboration with local health authorities are a few of the many concerns related to keeping students, faculty, and staff safe.

Hear about COVID campus planning from health promotion experts who represent a diversity of campus sizes (e.g. 5,000-30,000+), geographic areas (i.e.
virus hot spots), student bodies, and university-related resources.


At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

1) Apply at least two lessons learned to mitigate exposure to COVID-19 among students/faculty/staff that are appropriate for his/her campus size
and related resources.

2) Describe at least 2 critical elements for campus communication plans to address COVID-19.

3) Identify where to access additional resources or information to help inform their campus COVID-19 planning.